Bolton Infrastructure


Textbook reading is crucial in all subjects. Our school employs diverse teaching methods such as projects, activities, discussions, labs and smart class modules to go hand in hand with teaching and learning.

Lessons are designed systematically to provide students with multiple perspectives on relevant topics interspersed with experiential learning activities. We also use project-based evaluation and regular theme-related tests to boost students' confidence.

Our school promotes strong learning through empowering skills of individual thinking, speaking & creating.

Curriculum Design

Great care and forethought has been given for designing the NCERT guided curriculum to raise the students competency levels in a challenging yet stress free manner so as to not burden the individual .

Std. I & II : English, L-II, Math, Environmental Sciences, Computer Science, PET, G.K

Std. III & IV : English, L-II, Math, Science, Social Studies, Computer Science, PET, GK

Std. V to VIII : English, II Lang , III Lang, Math, Science, Social Science, Computer Science, PET.
Optional - French as the IV lang.

*** As per the Telangana Govt directives Telugu is a compulsory language***

Additional Subjects : Art & Craft, Music, Dance

Optional Languages :
  • A Second language is introduced to the students from Upper kindergarten PP - II (Transition). The Second languages offered are Hindi/Telugu.